Monday, September 15, 2008

OK so I gave in and read the "twilight" book this weekend. Hadley and I had a bet that she could finish her book of 214 pages before I could finish the 498 pages. Well of course she won I have to pay for a set of nails for her, but I was not far be hide I started the book on Friday while David was in the doctors and I finished the last 8 pages Monday morning before work not to bad for some one who has not read a real book for ever. I can't believe that I caved in to read these books but OMG they are so good. So I guess I will just read them all.


Linda said...

I know- I got sucked in to these books too, just wait until you get to the last one. My friend Jodi compared it to "Mormon Porn". Good times!

Stephanie said...

OMG you won't be sorry! It was this first book I had read in years and it got me hooked on reading again! I have read the whole serious twice, the whole Harry Potter series, and another 13 book series all this year. i am such a book nerd now though!

Brenna said...

Hey ang.... Just blog hoppin' here and came across your blog. I too have been reading the books and just finished the twilight series last night. Who would have thought a book about vampires would be such a big fuss. How have you been? I miss you working in Salina, I dont see you no more.